
Liz & Anders

I cannot recommend Sarah enough! Wow! We finally decided to hire a doula for the birth of our third child. I had difficult deliveries in the past and struggled to keep a good mindset. We wanted to try an unmedicated birth because of how my body reacts to medications… and we did it! We absolutely could not have done it without Sarah. I decided to hire Sarah around 34 weeks pregnant and she was so accepting and relaxed about it being so close. Then a week later, I was diagnosed with a condition that forced me to be induced before 38 weeks for the safety of baby. Sarah offered many natural approaches to get my body prepared for labor. Considering I went full term with the first two pregnancies, I know her advise helped- there was no way my body would’ve been ready and handled the induction so well otherwise.

During our initial meeting she was very open and friendly. We didn’t even need to discuss it much after meeting, my husband and I knew right away after that meeting we would hire her. For the meeting about the birth plan, Sarah had so much prepared that I hadn’t thought of. She is very well educated and always reading and learning more. She really kept us informed and gave options and ideas for everything.

During labor, Sarah set up candles and lights and played my favorite calming music. She set up a diffuser and put my favorite essential oil scent on. We went for walks around the hospital, she taught me how to breathe through and lean into each contraction. She encouraged my husband to be involved, which really helped me stay calm and focused and feel safe during the whole thing.

Our hospital had a deep bathtub in each room, so we utilized that. Sarah added some essential oils that promote calm. She set up different color lights and that created a certain helpful, calm mood. She had her own blend of massage oils that she used and rubbed my shoulders often. This really helped me stay calm and breathe through everything.

Her directions and encouragements the entire time were always proactive and helpful. Her tone was direct yet supportive and loving. I knew she was there to be my advocate. It was very evident that she wanted what was best for me and my baby!

As things got more challenging throughout the labor and pain increased, she remained a steady constant. My husband was in pain watching me in pain. I almost fainted multiple times from the pain and overwhelmed… Sarah remained confident and grounded and helped the entire time.

Her faith and bright personality are exactly what we needed. We had great conversations and made fun connections throughout the whole process. I cannot emphasize enough how much of a blessing Sarah was to my labor and delivery. I will absolutely be hiring her for all future labors and highly recommend her to everyone! Worth every penny!

Christina & andy

Sarah was amazing, before, during, and after the birth! She took the time for me, day or night, to check in on me or reply to my texts, gave us great resources and tips before birth, and helped with different ways to support me throughout the hours of labor! I had such a beautiful birth experience and am so happy that I had Sarah's help.

jolyn & cody

I have used Sarah as my doula for 2 births and each time she has gone above and beyond and was a great asset to my birth team. My first birth was in the hospital and my second was a home birth - each time, Sarah was extremely helpful with positioning, comfort measures, and many little details that would have otherwise been overlooked, but added to make a wonderful birthing environment. Afterward, we were even given a story of the timeline of events of labor day, which is so special to me to help me remember it. She is extremely educated and shares her knowledge in a gentle way to help you be as informed as possible about everything, but in it all, respects that your choices are final. Sarah is all-around amazing, if you are on the fence about hiring a doula, I highly recommend her!


Absolutely loved our time with Sarah! I was determined to have a natural labor & delivery and Sarah was the perfect resource to give us all the details and answer every question my husband and I had. However, due to losing our first born to stillbirth, my husband and I decided to go with an induction on the 40-week mark (I did absolutely everything to natural induce it) and Sarah was completely supportive. I knew what I was up against when I agreed to have Pitocin (being an RN myself I knew more than I wanted to know) … more severe contractions… however I did not want an epidural. Sarah arrived at the right time when I needed her most and advocated for what she knew I wanted when I was in the heat of labor. She suggested the right things/positions that allowed my mind and body work through some of the toughest, most painful contractions. She remained calm and helped my husband stay involved every step of the way. Even at the point when I wanted to give up, she pushed me through it! She worked amazingly with the nursing staff at the hospital. She delivered amazing service in every which way…. From coming to our home in Green Bay, practicing positions, taking time to get to know us, to helping us bring our beautiful rainbow baby earth side. We love you Sarah and I am forever grateful that you were by our side as I went through the most beautiful, hardest thing I have ever experienced.

Rachel & Isaiah

I knew I wanted to hire Sarah as my doula the moment I met her. She is so sweet and she listened to all my fears I had about labor and birth, which were many since this was my second pregnancy (I was hoping and planning for a VBAC with this one!) and I’d had a very negative experience with my first birth. She gave informed answers to all my questions and helped me work through all those fears. Before I even hired her, she was giving me helpful tips and sending lots of podcasts and videos about topics I had expressed concern about. By the second time I met with Sarah at the coffee shop, I felt like we had known each other forever and that I could talk with her about anything! During labor, Sarah set up the birth space with string lights, posted positive scripture affirmations around the room, started up the essential oil diffuser, and played the most serene music on her portable speaker. It really felt like an oasis! Sarah was by my side for at least 17 hours, from 10am that morning until the wee hours of the next morning; she even came with me to the hospital when I ended up needing stitches. Her presence lit up any room that she walked into, so of course I wanted to take her with me wherever I went! She held my hand through many many contractions and offered helpful tips on different things to try. My baby was malpositioned, so we had many hours of moving around and trying different positions and methods to get baby to move. She stayed positive the whole time and offered encouragement when I felt like I could not go on. Postpartum, she made sure I was adjusting well and continued to offer encouragement and support. Sarah made my home birth experience so much better than I thought it was going to be, and she turned my negative view on birth completely in the opposite direction. In the past, my perspective on doulas had been “what’s the point? Do I really need one of those?” Now I don’t even want to imagine what my labor and birth would have been like without a doula! Or maybe I was just very blessed to have found this one in a million kind of person who made such a huge impact on my birth experience….and on my life! If I ever get pregnant again, there is no doubt in my mind that I would hire Sarah again in a heartbeat!

Beth & Austin

Sarah was a true gift from the Lord during my prenatal period and my daughter’s birth! We anticipated what my needs were going to be together, and she attentively addressed those needs with calmness and humility. With her encouragement and strong hand to squeeze, I felt empowered to own my birth experience and push through the tough moments. I can’t wait for my daughters to know her and be just as excited as I am when I call her up to say, “Let’s do it again!”

Bernadette & peter

Sarah is truly the best! Such a sweetie and knew exactly what I needed always. We had an unmedicated hospital birth. She kept telling me how good I was doing but really she was doing all the work! My hospital room felt like a spa, I felt so relaxed the whole time. My nurses could not stop commenting on how nice the room looked and my OB was highly impressed she even asked me for her contact information at my 6 week PP appointment so she could recommend her to her patients. If that doesn’t say it all I don’t know what does! Not to mention a detailed interview before about all the wants and needs and any questions, 24/7 support and a PP visit! Sarah was my saving grace through it all! Would highly recommend to anyone.

Jenny & Garret

Sarah is truly phenomenal! I was able to achieve my goal of an unmedicated birth solely because of her help. From our very first visit to our last, she listened to our concerns and goals. At the hospital she created a warm and quiet environment with lights, candles, scents and music. It really helped me maintain my calmness and preserve my energy. Our midwife had nothing but high praise for her help during labor. I would highly recommend hiring Sarah if you are considering a natural birth in or out of hospital!

MAria & Brandon

We had the privilege of having Sarah as our doula for our 2nd homebirth. Sarah goes above and beyond. She is not only incredibly knowledgeable but also reliable, organized, and kind. She knows how to read the room and offer the right amount of assistance. Her passion for helping others is evident in her work.

laura & Willie

Sarah is so compassionate and always trying to actively help you at all times. She always made me feel heard and understood. The birth experience both times she helped me made me feel like I was at a spa! I will definitely have her again if I have more babies!

Elizabeth & michael

From the moment I met Sarah, I knew I would love working with her. At our first meeting, she was kind, gentle, positive, affirming, professional, knowledgeable, and serene. All of these wonderful qualities were on full display throughout my birth experience with her. Unsure of whether or not I should start getting ready to go to the hospital, I called Sarah in the middle of the night and described my contraction patterns to her. Predicting that I would be admitted to the hospital soon, she gave me great advice about how to cope with the contractions and how to determine when I should go to the hospital. Sure enough, my husband and I were packing up our car for the hospital an hour later. When I was admitted to the hospital at 6:00 AM, I was five centimeters dilated. Sarah joined us there and immediately turned our hospital birthing suite into a peaceful oasis. She dimmed the lights, draped string lights around the room, and hung up scripture-based birth affirmations. Throughout active labor, my favorite coping mechanism was to walk through contractions, exhale longer than inhale, and apply counter-pressure to my lower back with my thumbs. I stubbornly did not want to try different positions or coping mechanisms. Fortunately for me, Sarah knew that frequently changing positions helps babies navigate through their mother’s bodies, which allows labor to progress more quickly. So, she continued to gently suggest new positions throughout my active labor even though I declined most of them. Without her constantly prompting me to change positions, I probably would not have progressed as quickly as I did. Sarah also never stopped monitoring my contractions. My husband often got distracted by a nurse or doctor who suddenly walked into our birthing suite, but Sarah always kept her eyes on me during contractions, making sure I was still coping well. Suddenly, my tried-and-true coping mechanism stopped working when I hit transition. Sarah noticed this right way and immediately suggested that I get into our birthing suite’s shower. Five minutes after being in the hot shower, I felt the urge to push. I got out of the shower and had a nurse check me. She said I was eight and a half to nine centimeters dilated, so Sarah suggested that I get back into the shower. Five minutes after I got back into the shower, I felt a greater urge to push and something descending. It was my amniotic sack, which still hadn’t ruptured yet. I got onto my hands and knees on the hospital bed, and a nurse told me that I was fully dilated and ready to push. After forty-five minutes of pushing, my daughter was born at 3:08 PM. As a first-time mom, I couldn’t believe that my active labor, transition period, and pushing phase only lasted nine hours. Sarah’s constant care and advice played a huge role in this. Without her, I am sure I would have lingered in active labor for much longer, and I might not have coped throughout transition. She was an invaluable part of my positive birth experience, and working with her was an absolute delight. I cannot recommend her enough!

bethany & zach

I had the benefit of being one of Sarah's first birth experiences with my second child! With my first child, my labor and delivery went very fast and I didn't feel like I had much of a voice when it came to what I wanted once we got to the hospital. I hadn't made any sort of birth plan, and while it is hard to stick to any plan in such an unpredictable event, I just felt very rushed to make decisions, felt pressured to do or not to do certain things by medical staff and in the end felt very uneasy about how everything happened. If you can relate to this in any way and are expecting, I strongly recommend having a birth doula by your side! With Sarah assisting me with my second birth experience, I felt so much more at ease. In the weeks leading up to my due date Sarah gave me answers to my "why" questions about what I was feeling and where my baby was at that stage of development. She demonstrated practice positions and stretches to ease the pain later. She was able to talk me through my contractions and "feelings" when I had false labor as well. Once I went into actual labor, I felt at ease going into it, much unlike my first birth. Sarah was there reminding me where to put my focus, physically as well as mentally. As soon as we got to our hospital room, she helped answer some of the nurses questions for me (when it was hard to me to speak) and began creating a calming atmosphere, with massage, music and use of essential oils. Nothing she did interfered with the business of the medical staff, she was very respectful of them and asked their permission before doing anything. Husbands can tend to shy away in these kind of circumstances and Sarah encouraged mine to be involved and gave him instructions on how to assist in making me comfortable as well. This was so meaningful. Again, my labor was very short but once I got on the hospital bed my contractions slowed a little. She encouraged me to try a few different positions (such as pulling up on a bar, which the nurse gladly provided) and I was ready to push within minutes. I cannot express enough how comforting it is to just have an educated voice of reason in the room with you when your emotions are everywhere and physical pain wants to alter your train of thought. Sarah was so present and involved without being an interference or too invasive. Everyone needs a little grace in these moments in our lives and Sarah is a perfect one to offer it! I'm so very thankful for my experience with her and won't do another birth without her!

Samantha & stephen

I highly recommend Sarah with Tulip Doula Services! When looking back at my birth with my first I had always wished we had hired a doula. So this time around we decided to hire someone. I’m so glad I came across Sarah’s page and we were lucky she still had an opening for our birth month! Although my full intent was to have another un-medicated natural delivery, baby had other plans. Either way we were so thankful for the extra support Sarah provided us..

JoJo & Cody

If you're in search of a doula, you can stop looking, because Sarah is your girl!
From the moment I found out that Sarah was a doula I knew that I wanted her on my birth team. Throughout the pregnancy we met and she helped me with a birth plan and was always sharing great tips with me. When I was in labor Sarah was a great help to myself and my husband, calming me by gently pressing my shoulders down when I would start to get tense during a contraction, getting cold rags for my forehead, playing relaxing music, and praying with us when I felt like I couldn't handle it anymore. She even had a diffuser in her bag and set that up in our hospital room and a small hand held fan that came in handy. Having her there made my labor and delivery experience wonderful. I highly recommend Sarah, she is a valuable asset to your birth team and I'm so glad to have had her help me bring my little boy into the world.


“I’m so glad we had the opportunity to have Sarah as our doula! Even though we met at the end of my pregnancy, she still brought so much comfort and knowledge with her…I know that without her, we would not have had our home-birth. In those last hours, I really believe it was her knowledge and having clary sage (essential oil) that sent me into active labor, allowing me to make progress and stay at home. She is one amazing doula!”


christine & ismael

“Sarah is an amazing doula! Going into my first birth, knowing little about what to expect, it was a real comfort to have someone by my side for extra support. Sarah was available during my pregnancy, labor and postpartum, and was very attentive to my needs during all stages of my pregnancy. She was able to share some great relaxation techniques which helped me stay calm during labor. It was also a huge relief to have her in the room with me during labor when my significant other needed a quick rest. I wasn’t fully sure what to expect with regard to having a doula, and can now say that I would 100% recommend Sarah and her services. She is knowledgeable, patient, kind, and very helpful in all aspects of pregnancy and birth. I cannot thank her enough for all her help and support! She was truly fantastic!”

Kandice & Hal

“Sarah is an amazing doula! She is very organized and made sure I was all set before labor started. Then when labor did start (in the middle of the night) she was there shortly after. She knew what to do to make me more comfortable that me or my husband wouldn’t have even thought of. I’m so thankful to have had Sarah as my doula!”